Promira I2C/SPI/eSPI 多用協定分析平台

Promira I2C/SPI/eSPI 多用協定分析平台
Promira I2C/SPI/eSPI Serial Platform with simulator and protocol analysis capabilities
Promira I2C/SPI/eSPI 多用協定分析平台
隨著嵌入式系統應用整合的需求及複雜性不斷增長,對開發測試工具的需求更甚以往;Total Phase Promira I2C / SPI / eSPI 多協定分析平台可填補嵌入式系統在各個方面的設計、除錯和開發的需求,Promira I2C/SPI 主機 (master) 或從機 (slave) 也是率先整合了 eSPI 封包模擬器和協定分析功能。
Total Phase Promira 平台建立在 FPGA 架構上,為 Total Phase 高性價比的嵌入式系統測試解決方案,每個 Promira 平台都內建電壓調整 (level-shifting)、乙太網路和 USB 控制接口,Total Phase Promira 平台,同時提供完整的軟體套件,包括適用於各種應用程序的強大 GUI 和 API,已準備好與您一同面對複雜的測試任務。

透過 USB 或乙太網路控制Promira與產線設備連接
將韌體寫入 EEPROM
透過I2C 或 SPI對系統記憶體晶片進行編程
模擬主機或從機 (master or slave)
做為主機 (master) 時,成為感測器、記憶體晶片、和其他周邊的連接接口
做為從機 (slave) 時,可對 MCU 的命令進行測試
在產線上整合 Promira 平台,可透過 API 將韌體編寫到 EEPROM 上,並以乙太網路連接埠延伸至 USB 以外的連線區域,並可連接多個Promira 平台到 PC。
Promira 平台將幫助您快速輕鬆地建立產品原型,做為主機 (master) 時,它可以模擬 MCU 來主動輪詢感測器、讀寫 BIOS 記憶體、以及控制匯流排;做為從機 (slave),可用於模擬感測器並測試主機發送命令的有效性。
USB/乙太網路連線至 I2C/SPI/eSPI 介面
I2C M/S 支援達 3.4 MHz
SPI M/S 支援達 80/20 MHz
eSPI 模擬器支援達 66 MHz
eSPI 分析器支援達 66 MHz
雙路 SPI 和四路 eSPI I/O
內建電壓調整 (level-shifting)
乙太網路和高速 USB 介面
提供達 16組 GPIO
提供可連接至多 8 組從機 (slave)
跨平台支援 Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Control Center 軟體
簡化 I2C 與 SPI 訊息傳輸
XML 批次命令自動執行測試任務
Data Center 軟體
eSPI 協定分析
Flash Center 軟體
可擴充的 XML零件庫,支援各類 EEPROM 和快閃記憶體
Promira API
對 GPIO 進行配置與利用
透過 API 調整輸出電壓供電給待測物而不需外掛其他電源供應器
I2C/SPI/eSPI 匯流排測試產品比較表

Total Phase I2C/SPI主機轉接器和協定分析儀的詳細比較 >
瀏覽 Total Phase 所有技術文章 >
An Introduction to the Promira Serial Platform
The Promira Serial Platform is the latest and greatest in Total Phase debug and development tools, supporting a range of speeds and capabilities for I2C, SPI, and eSPI applications. In this video, we will discuss why the Promira Serial Platform was created and some of its most attractive features.
Promira Serial Platform License and Firmware Update Tutorial
In this video, we will show users how to update the license and firmware of their Promira Serial Platform to the latest version.
Promira Serial Platform Unboxing and Quick Start
In this video, we will be unboxing the Promira Serial Platform and showing how to quickly get started using this tool for I2C and SPI applications.
Batch Scripting with the Promira Serial Platform
In this video, we will show you how to use the batch scripting feature in the Control Center Serial Software using the Promira Serial Platform.
Using the Promira Serial Platform to Program an EEPROM
In this video, we will show you how to use the Promira Serial Platform with the Control Center Serial Software to easily program an I2C EEPROM.
How to Use the Ethernet Port on the Promira Serial Platform
In this video, we will show how to enable and use the Ethernet connectivity capability on the Promira Serial Platform with step-by-step instructions.
Change Voltage Levels on the Promira Serial Platform
In this demonstration, we will explain how to use the built-in level shifter function of the Promira Serial Platform to easily change voltage signal levels.
Programming SPI Flash Memory with the Promira Serial Platform
The Promira Serial Platform is an advanced embedded systems development tool that can perform high-speed programming on I2C and SPI memory devices. In this demonstration, we will show how the Promira Serial Platform can be used with the Flash Center Software to quickly and easily program a SPI serial flash device.