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邁向 6G:光子學於 THz 通信中所擔任的角色
邁向 6G:光子學於 THz 通信中所擔任的角色

8月10日 週四



邁向 6G:光子學於 THz 通信中所擔任的角色

藉著使用大的連續頻寬,來實現以前不可能實現的Terabit/sec高數據傳輸速率的需求,此前景使得Sub-THz及THz成為 6G 移動通信的關鍵研究領域。


2023年8月10日 上午10:00 – 上午11:00



藉著使用大的連續頻寬,來實現以前不可能實現的Terabit/sec高數據傳輸速率的需求,此前景使得Sub-THz及THz成為 6G 移動通信的關鍵研究領域。

除了使用電子 MMIC 方法外,以超穩定光子源,來產生THz 輻射的替代方法,在未來發揮關鍵作用。本次線上研討會將透過幾個應用範例,來強調為何光子學可以在 6G 中成為不可或缺的角色。光子技術可提供一種將光振盪器,特出的相位雜訊穩定性和可調性,轉移到微波和THz區域的方法,用於通信和儀器。其他使用範例,包含使用結構化光子進行通信,以及應用光學頻率梳技術進行計量和校準,同時討論傳播特性,這對於充分發揮Sub-THz頻率範圍的潛力至關重要。


  • 利用電子學和光子學優勢的THz技術和新應用
  • 基於光學頻率梳差異,對用於通信和儀器的超穩定微波系統進行相位雜訊測量
  • Sub-THz區域的通道建模和測量以及產業環境的最新結果

立即報名 >


Dr. Taro Eichler

Technology Manager

Rohde & Schwarz

Taro Eichler is Technology Manager for wireless communications and photonics at Rohde & Schwarz in Munich with a focus on 5G/6G technologies. With 15 years of experience in wireless communication, he is currently working on 6G industry research projects covering THz communication, photonics and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). Prior to joining Rohde & Schwarz, Taro worked for Intel Corporation as a specialist for photonic communication solutions and for NTT Basic Research Laboratories. He also worked on research projects at The University of Tokyo in the field of quantum optics with a scholarship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt foundation. He holds a diploma in physics from the Technical University of Munich with a thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Bonn, Germany.

Dr. Thomas Puppe

Senior Development Engineer

TOPTICA Photonics AG

Thomas Puppe is Senior Development Engineer and Fellow in the Laser Reference group at TOPTICA Photonics AG. During the past 15 years he has worked on frequency-converted diode-laser systems, pulse- and cw-THz technology, optical frequency combs, ultra-narrow linewidth lasers and system integration of laser systems for quantum technologies. He has worked on several technology and publicly funded research projects and holds several patents. Recent projects include optical THz generation based on the agile-tunable comb-locked optical frequency synthesizer, a promising engine for precision 5G/6G technologies. Prior to joining TOPTICA, Thomas had more than 10 years’ experience of working in the field of experimental quantum optics research. He holds a, M.Sc. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, a diploma in physics from the University Konstanz, and a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Munich working on cavity quantum electrodynamics at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics.


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