11月21日 週二
EMI 規範之前期測試及除錯
2023年11月21日 上午10:00 – 上午11:00
進行新設計的最終 EMI 合規性測試時,測試越早開始,越有可能解決潛在問題。
隨著專案接近完成,解決問題的成本呈指數級上升;因此,在設計時考慮 EMI ,有助於防止首次 EMI 合規性測試失敗率達到 50% 至 80%。
Rohde & Schwarz 的 講師 Matthew Maxwell 和 James Lewis 將提供如何使用頻譜分析儀,和示波器等儀器來幫助定位、診斷和修復設計中的 EMI 或 EMC 問題。
James Lewis
Technical Product Manager, Oscilloscopes
Rohde & Schwarz
James Lewis has a background spanning from measurement science to capacitors. During the 11 years he worked at various oscilloscope companies, he helped customers solve jitter and signal integrity issues with their high-speed digital designs. Before joining Rohde & Schwarz James spent seven years working with a capacitor company to educate engineers on how to select capacitor types to solve power integrity issues.
Matt Maxwell
Product Manager
Rohde & Schwarz
Matt Maxwell is a Product Manager for Rohde & Schwarz for Spectrum and Signal Analyzers. He has worked in the test and measurement field for more than 19 years in for RF test equipment. His experience includes work around numerous RF applications such as EMI, aerospace and defense, and wireless technologies. Matt served as a submarine officer in the US Navy and received a degree in electrical engineering.